Córas Bainistíochta Inneachair
Content Management System
Make changes to your own website
Our clients are provided with a fixed-price content management system (CMS) specifically tailored to cater for small business. Our in-house developed content management software means that anyone with basic computer literacy will be able to make changes to their website without incurring extra expense.The CMS gives our clients the ability to change their own websites: the colours, design, look and feel and, most importantly, the content can all be easily changed. You can add pictures and videos to your website or just change the text. This gives power and control back to the small business and adds vitality to the websites.
Keeping the information on your website current
Your clients are more likely to visit your website if they know that the information on display is up-to-date. Having an up-to-date website also is a factor in improving your search engine positioning..
The Webbery are the developers of:
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Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions